What's Changed?

New Logo

A monogram of two intertwined 'B's' that doubles as a birds eye view of a ribboned gift box.

New Brand Aesthetic

we've done away with a black and white colour theme to present a more modern palette of classy neutral tones.

New Gift Box Packaging

Our new gift box packaging is available in 3 sizes - Petite, Standard & Deluxe.



You may have noticed abit of a change here at BB. Well we've gone through a major brand elevation.

Over the last few years that we've been in the gifting industry a lot has changed. Our style has changed, our focus has sharped, our knowledge has broadened and we've gained a deep understanding of our customers and the things they want and need when it comes to the gifts they choose for their loved ones. As a result, our mission, appearance, offerings and goals have changed too.

Why a Brand Elevation?

We wanted BB's new look to represent that change, we wanted our brand to align with the growth and development we have had since BB first opened it's virtual doors. We are so proud that after 10 long months of hard work that's been put into this brand elevation, (with literal blood, sweat and tears along the way) to finally introduce you to the new and improved BLOOM BERRY.

What's different?

We have a fresh website, new gift box packaging, new systems in place, new products, new gift boxes and SO much more. We have kept you at the forefront of our minds in every aspect of this elevation. You have been a huge part of every decision and you are also to thank for this brand elevation.

Every person who has supported us, whether that be through purchases, social media interaction, recommendations, reviews and everything in-between. We would not be where we are today without you.


We still do a dance for every order we get and I don't think that will ever change. To start a small business from scratch with no experience, barely any money in the bank and to have people love what you do and have to offer is the most fulfilling feeling we could have ever hoped for.

5 Star Service

We've changed a lot here at BB but we have also kept certain things the same. We still pride ourselves on the level of customer care we provide you and rest assured, that hasn't and won't ever change. 

We still source the best of the best products and gifts available to ensure you are always gifting the best to your loved ones.

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